Monday, May 30, 2011

Little insights

The younger Russians say that the end of communism was good because they can travel wherever they want. The older Russians like it because they all get their pensions and can retire. Overall the mood seems optimistic - but it is summer. People don't regularly smile, and if they encounter someone who does they assume that person is not in charge of all their faculties. Russian receptionists have to be taught to smile when answering the phone.

Open beer bottles on the bus was a new sight for me. Liquor is sold at outdoor kiosks and can be drunk on the street at any time EXCEPT the recent City Celebration. First time they tried not having beer in the open for a big event, and they were happy with the result. I personally only saw 2 fall down drunks and lots of loud teens. I felt safe - but did not realize how lucky we were this was the year they kept it dry. Er.

Younger men carry bags - like a small travel case, 8 1/2 x11, black leather on a shoulder strap - for all their stuff. Makes sense, but will be a while before it replaces the Electronic Tool Belt in the US.

I have not seen people of any races other than white. I asked and the "ethnic" groups are gypsies and Ukrainians. This is a community of 600,000, not Moscow.

How to get a job in Russia: Know someone. That is not contrasted with "Know Something" - it is the only way. People do not move far from home because that is where the only contacts are, and the only way to be employed is by knowing someone. Here, the night guards are the dirctor's son and the translator's brother. Relationships are the only recommendation.

One of our translators trained as a teacher. Of the 90 who graduated with her 5 years ago, none are now teaching. The pay is so low no men would ever teach, and the women get better paying jobs doing anything else.

We produce a different craft project for 8 classes each week - some can be adapted for younger or older. Then indoor games - dominoes and Chinese checkers, but soon devolve into building with the dominos until they fall don from rolling the marbles from the Chinese checkers at them. I have played Extreme Uno and Jenga. The great things about all these are that none requires any counting! And the only strategy is "How to Lose but Not so Badly that it Looks Suspicious."

Hope you are all having a nice First of Real Summer Day Off!

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